Life is pretty damn unfair. Sometimes that means you'll find yourself in a situation with no solutions. Sometimes…
Life is pretty damn unfair. Sometimes that means you'll find yourself in a situation with no solutions. Sometimes…
Welcome to the first official Ask Kotaku column, where I will provide weekly answers to the questions you send me.…
For better or worse, sex sells. And for some of Japan's most famous game companies, it was what they sold when they…
Japanese people have different tastes from their Western counterparts (Heck, many of Kotaku East's Culture Smash…
Growing up, I had two game systems: a barely working Atari 2600 (which lived largely forgotten in our guestroom…
Have you ever had a recurring dream? And each time that dream revisits your slumber, some small detail has changed?…
On 7 January 2013, Sony announced they had stopped production of the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system.…
I don't know who is responsible for deciding which games make it onto the weekly Nintendo Download list, but whoever…
In puzzle game Dancing Eyes, the goal is to cut out swatches of cloth from young girls' clothing. Namco planned to do
Girl's RPG Cinderellife is the newest 3DS title from Professor Layton creator Level-5. Marketed as a "girl's RPG," Ci…