After five wonderfully retro-tastic installments, the Bit.Trip series comes to a close with the release of Bit.Trip…
After five wonderfully retro-tastic installments, the Bit.Trip series comes to a close with the release of Bit.Trip…
Terror baby, gate rape, fauxhemian, skyaking: 2010 was a wonderful year for words. Even more delightful, then, that…
Major League Baseball 2K10 got many big-picture details right, but still left me with a laundry list of demands for…
Do you want a college football playoff? Do you love the tradition of a New Year's Day packed with A-list bowls? You…
San Antonio Spurs all-star Tony Parker and Eva Longoria got dee-vorced last week, around the time it was discovered…
Author Greg Bear isn't just a one-time Kotaku guest columnist and a prize-winning science fiction author. He's also…
Microsoft calls it a new console, but the Kinect is really a fresh coat of paint for the Xbox 360, promising to…
The other day, I mentioned to my friend of 10 years that I was doing research on massively multiplayer online…
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II drops us back in control of Darth Vader's disobedient apprentice Starkiller as he…