They're calling it a demo, not a game, and it's not quite perfect. You can't even walk in it, after all. But…
They're calling it a demo, not a game, and it's not quite perfect. You can't even walk in it, after all. But…
Sony today unveiled a new version of their PS4 virtual reality headset, code-named Project Morpheus, and though it's…
We are now half way into the winter anime season. But with 35 new shows on the air it can be more than a little…
Douglas Adams dreamt up the Starship Titanic in 1982 as a half-page gag in Life, the Universe and Everything, the…
You'd think that the first weather-related cancellation of an episode of Monday Night Raw in the show's 1000-plus…
Ukrainian developer Beatshapers has access to Sony's Project Morpheus PlayStation 4 VR headset and various…
We missed shaking our heads at a Japanese schoolgirl at Tokyo Game Show this year, but some lucky people got to last…
Do you want to build? LittleBigPlanet has always been a tricky sell for non-creative players, and number three,…
Over 20 years ago (1 day counts as "over," right?) Sony released the original PlayStation console and changed the…
The death of the Dreamcast was a sad event and the end of an era. But every cloud has a silver lining. The console's…