There’s never been a good video game based on Friday the 13th, but the folks at Gun Media are hoping you’ll let them…
Bad video game ideas. We all have them. But what if, across the dank expanses of the internet, there existed a man…
There’s a reason why the PolyEyes 2.0, an augmented reality project by the Interactive Architecture Lab, looks like…
The best thing about Annihilator is the subtextual revelation that legendary comics writer Grant Morrison worries if…
Some players are rooting for the bad guy as humanity’s last hope, but why?
Matt Hall is, by almost every definition of the word, ‘successful’. 50 million downloads and $10 million later, Cross…
We Are Chicago was hardly the best game I played at PAX, one of gaming’s biggest gaming conventions, last month. It…
Today, the Pokémon Company unveiled its latest Pocket Monster experience. It’s called Pokemon Go.