For a game so impossibly beautiful, it always seemed strange that Project Cars was headed not just for the PC, but…
A version of Project CARS which would run on lower-end hardware. The PS3 and Xbox 360 ports were cancelled in favor of the PS4 and the Xbox One, but the Wii U version was only cancelled later.
For a game so impossibly beautiful, it always seemed strange that Project Cars was headed not just for the PC, but…
Assassin's Creed IV isn't just a pirate adventure, and it doesn't just take place on the high seas. See, there's…
PLUS MORE GAMING SECRETS AND RUMORS: Possible information on the new Deus Ex game, including its protagonist | Namco…
Good news, everyone: Carmageddon, the classic and highly violent crash racing series, is finally back. Its newest…
Bugbear are the team behind the Flatout series, which were games built around the idea of smashing cars into scrap.…
Yesterday the upcoming film Jurassic Park IV officially became Jurassic World, coming to theaters on June 15, 2015.…
2K Drive isn't just a new racing game from the makers of Project Gotham Racing. It's a massive mobile celebration of…
Didn't we just go through this with Final Fantasy VII? Someone wants to make a Metroid fan film. They're raising…
I know, you know, we all know, Project CARS looks amazing. I'm not here today to try and educate you. I'm just here…
There may be no cars to swipe, and at no point was this a dark project, but 5 Ants' Tiny Thief is as capable a…