In today's installment of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Dracosummoner explores the controversial role of sex and…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Princess Parent
Princess Parent is a love letter to classic life simulation games. Enjoy a new parenting simulation where you schedule her time and make her choices until she's 18. Will she become a housewife or a dragon princess?
In today's installment of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Dracosummoner explores the controversial role of sex and…
With a new Super Mario Bros. title to tide fans over, and plenty of third-party software, this year's Wii offering…
Fathers are easy to find in video games. When they're not antagonizing their offspring or killed off in the first…
Halo Wars is an easy sell. It's Halo, it's real-time strategy, it's on the Xbox 360. Don't tell Amazon that, though.…