The bubble bursts. The blood is in the water. The knives sharpen.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Parallel Turn
A skiing game with six events: Ski Lift, Slalom, Ski Jump, Biathlon, Dog Sled and Downhill. Bash the buttons to increase your speed.
The bubble bursts. The blood is in the water. The knives sharpen.
And so with one last musical interlude, Shinichirō Watanabe’s marvelous anime Kids on the Slope concluded its…
The Wii U console and its distinctive GamePad control device have been floating around convention floors and meeting…
I can summarize my experience designing user interfaces like this: if you were to place a refrigerator and a toilet…
The other day on Twitter, fellow Kotaku writer Kate Cox mentioned she had just finished Xenogears, Square's classic…
In a title update scheduled to arrive on April 20, gamers with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 and a Kinect sensor will be…
For years Bandai Namco has been releasing mega crossovers of giant robot anime—ranging from Gundam to Evangelion…
Kingdom Hearts is a polarizing series to say the least. People seem to love it or hate it with few standing in…
If you're the kind of person that believes violence isn't the answer, then I have just the game for you. I hope…
When Sony unveiled its PlayStation Vita handheld at last year's E3, Uncharted: Golden Abyss was one of the first…