Seasoned cosplayers, don't slaughter me-I'm very new to cosplaying with only a few ensembles good enough to post on…
Seasoned cosplayers, don't slaughter me-I'm very new to cosplaying with only a few ensembles good enough to post on…
Deciding where to go to college was very simple for me. It had nothing to do with a university convincing me to…
And so with one last musical interlude, Shinichirō Watanabe’s marvelous anime Kids on the Slope concluded its…
I was a band kid in high school. (This is probably not a surprise to readers of Kotaku Melodic.) I tried on a lot of…
Girl's RPG Cinderellife is the newest 3DS title from Professor Layton creator Level-5. Marketed as a "girl's RPG," Ci…
Part of Panel Discussion's mission is to look at the ways and places where comics and video games intersect and…
Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.
Warning, spoilers ahead, starting with the end of Casablanca:
Spiral Cats. How and why. Here is the simple answer.
Welcome to the first weekly installment of Freaky Fan Art, an exploration of the peculiar, bizarre, and downright…