At a recent Street Fighter X Tekken tourney in Taiwan, a slew of cosplayers showed up, bringing the iconic fighters…
At a recent Street Fighter X Tekken tourney in Taiwan, a slew of cosplayers showed up, bringing the iconic fighters…
Sony has today revealed re-iterated which PS1 games will be available, and compatible, for direct download and…
Kasumi is one of the most iconic characters in Japanese gaming. Her ninja outfit in its various colors is instantly…
The line of games that started with Super Mario Bros and extends to this week's New Super Mario Bros. 2 have an…
If archery is an Olympic sport and shotput is an Olympic sport, consider the Olympic prospects of pulling back a…
The Macross series (released as the first generation of Robotech in the West) is one of the staples of 1980s anime.…
It's OK to get frustrated by a video game. They're often designed to do just that. But there's a line you cross once…
People often complain that there's an overabundance of zombie-based video games, or that zombies are the new bacon,…
I'll confess: I really wanted to start this review with a choice quote from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and…
The fridge is full of energy drinks. Heads hover motionless, inches from illuminated screens. An arcade machine sits…