To bop the elephant in the room squarely on its cuboid hooter, Skysaga: Infinite Isles looks an awful, awful lot…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Night Castle
Night Castle is an "RPG" game. Explore a huge castle, learn powerful spells, fight terrible creatures, uncover ancient secrets ...
To bop the elephant in the room squarely on its cuboid hooter, Skysaga: Infinite Isles looks an awful, awful lot…
If it were to go down, Castle's Nathan Fillion and his wise, but no so serious words would come handy.
Continuing in the Borderlands series' grand tradition of making sly winks at everything from Minecraft to Game…
The story of a minor character you never meet in The Last Of Us teaches one inescapable truth of that world: one way…
Editor's note: I'm sure I'm not the only one with fond memories of the original Unreal, which came out on PC one…
Mr. Miyamoto, you recently asked me to ask Kotaku's readers to say which games they'd like you to make for the Wii…
There's a PlayStation mural outside of E3. It features PS mainstays in boats, a parody of this George Washington…
Today on Amazon, add ten Marvel Blu-rays to your collection for just $65. This set has been selling for $180 until…
While growing up, I, of course, knew the Mario and Sonic themes, but it wasn’t until I first played Final Fantasy VI…