Nothing brightens up a bad case of the Mondays like a batch of new screens and character art for the upcoming North…
Nothing brightens up a bad case of the Mondays like a batch of new screens and character art for the upcoming North…
You probably won't read much of this review.
We've still got a day left until April Fools, so we're going to have to take Majesco seriously when they announce…
In October 2004, a Bush aide-widely believed to be Karl Rove-informed the New York Times Magazine's Ron Suskind…
My first visit to Augusta National broke the club's dress code with almost criminal negligence: I was wearing…
Free | I spent the past week going through all of the free things sent Kotaku by game companies. This is about half…
It is no catharsis to use a Nintendo DS stylus to restore beauty to the ravaged mythical Japan of Okamiden, not…
For years, glimpses up skirts were used to titillate Japanese gamers. A new game's done away with that entirely. It…
It is often more fun to destroy than it is to create. Many of us realized this when we were young, when we played…
Video games are not responsible for the mass killing in Tucson, Ariz. a week ago. But the suspect's deranged…