Fire Emblem: Three Houses perfectly balances tactics-based combat with an anime high school simulator. I’m fifteen…
My Talking Pretty Girl repeated every word you say. When girls are unhappy, play with girls. When the girl is hungry, give the girl feeding. When the girl is sleepy, let the girl sleep.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses perfectly balances tactics-based combat with an anime high school simulator. I’m fifteen…
Veronica Mars has been on a hell of a ride. The beloved, short-lived TV series debuted in 2004, telling sun-drenched…
Hello you beautiful and terrifying love piranhas, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the dating advice column for…
It’s summer. Nobody wants to go outside anymore. Everyone wants to stay inside and watch anime. But which shows will…
Hello you radioactive orgasm otters, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that survived…
Rumay “Hafu” Wang’s record is nothing to sneeze at. She’s won multiple major World of Warcraft tournaments, and…
Hello all you frightening nipplybeasts, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column to help you…
Hello all you orgasm manatees of damnation, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column to help…
Detective Pikachu hit movie theaters this weekend and turned me into a puddle of nostalgic goo. I sat down with…
I was going to write a post about how recently-released visual novel Our World Is Ended would be much better if the…