Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the world of video games will surprise you in the best possible way. This…
Who Dares to Disturb the Peace of Dungeon? The Great Battle to Protect the Dungeon Begins Now!
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the world of video games will surprise you in the best possible way. This…
You’ve gotta wonder how much it cost to make Noctis’s hair. I mean, look at it. It’s a tangled black crown of spikes…
Hello, my darlings! It is me, tim rogers, founder and director of Action Button Entertainment, currently directing…
Videogames and movies. It's the best of both worlds.
The most common email response I received to my previous column ("Japan: It's Not Funny Anymore") was a perplexed…
You press a button; a character on the television screen jumps. You press the same button again, while the on-screen…
My drummer has this story he tells sometimes, about this one time when he was drumming in some other band, and some…
Nintendo of America has laid out its plans for the upcoming holiday shopping season—and a little bit beyond—dating a…
Oblivion had tons of girlie things for me to do. I could pick pretty flowers, collect pretty crystals and buy pretty…