ReportReportDev Reveals Exploitative Nature of Most Game ContractsThe Scrabdackle dev started an industry-wide conversation about what indies routinely faceByJohn WalkerPublishedAugust 17, 2021
CultureFeatureCultureFeatureGame Industry Women Need You To Stop Defining Them By Their TraumaWomen sharing their stories following the Blizzard lawsuit are more than their traumaByPatricia Hernandez and Ari NotisPublishedJuly 30, 2021
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryPokémon Go Fest 2021 Ended In A Total AnticlimaxNiantic's Hoopa hoopla made for such a disappointing eventByJohn WalkerPublishedJuly 19, 2021
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryMicrosoft Calls For An End To 'Git Gud'Double Fine joins in, announcing an invincibility toggle for Psychonauts 2ByJohn WalkerPublishedJuly 12, 2021
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryHello Kotaku, It's Me, Your New EICPatricia Hernandez is back after her previous stint as deputy editorByPatricia HernandezPublishedJune 29, 2021
ReviewsPlayStationReviewsPlayStationRatchet & Clank: Rift Apart: The Kotaku ReviewInsomniac Games' sixteenth entry in the Ratchet & Clank series is stunning, but a lot like its firstByJohn WalkerPublishedJune 8, 2021
CultureShop ContestCultureShop Contest'Shop Contest: Lego LuigiAfter a few early leaks, Nintendo and Lego officially confirmed that Lego Luigi is coming to joining his Lego…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedApril 25, 2021
ReviewsBacklogReviewsBacklogWhy Did No One Tell Me About Maneater?There are backlogs, and there are theoretical backlogs. Those games you never bought, but heard about, thought about…ByJohn WalkerPublishedApril 13, 2021
OpinionAsk KotakuOpinionAsk KotakuWhat’s A Game You Like That Doesn’t Get Enough Love?It’s Monday and time for Ask Kotaku, the weekly feature in which Kotaku-ites deliberate on a single burning…ByAlexandra HallPublishedMarch 29, 2021
CultureCultureWhat We Loved About Hitman 3If there’s one thing Kotaku can’t get enough of, it’s Hitman 3. Between the wide-open levels, rapid-fire costume…ByAri Notis, Lisa Marie Segarra, and Zack ZwiezenPublishedFebruary 9, 2021