For 30 minutes last week, a man by the name of Dax Ginn, told a room full of reporters how awesome this fall's Batman…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Move Code Lines
Move Code Lines is a game where you fix programs and make them print needed output. But the only way you can achieve that is to change the order of lines in those programs, and set custom input.
For 30 minutes last week, a man by the name of Dax Ginn, told a room full of reporters how awesome this fall's Batman…
In the 80s, he made arcade games for Atari. In the 10s, he led the team that made the PlayStation 4. Mark Cerny is…
We're in the second week of a YouTube copyright enforcement crackdown whose most visible effects have been on the…
The Xbox One is a testament to Microsoft's towering ambition. It represents their desire not only to occupy a place…
The score was 4 to 3, two outs in the ninth, when I woke up on the couch. No one was on base. "I don't need to see…
Usually, if someone wants to convince you that the video game they're making is going to be great, they tell you…
The first time Gearbox gave us a look at the playable psycho bandit named Krieg, I knew this character was made for…
Richard: Today, myself and fellow Kotaku author Toshi Nakamura are here to look at the recently released movie…
Ever since the first game, Mass Effect has always been about shaping the story the way the player wants it. Through…
Remember when you first finished Half-Life 2: Episode 2? The excitement? The shock? You were ready to set out with…