Pacific Rim is a smash hit in China. People love it, even if the subtitles are iffy.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Morning Men
Take a trip back to the golden age of science fiction as Morning Men blends an out-of-this-world story with point-and-click adventuring and turn-based JRPG-style combat. Each character has his or her own traits, which can be changed based on your decisions made throughout your adventure. Help, hurt, or even ruin one of your companions lives by either masterfully or carelessly picking your next narrative step.
Pacific Rim is a smash hit in China. People love it, even if the subtitles are iffy.
The latest chapter of the Yakuza series, Yakuza: Ishin!, is a trip back in time. Much like in Yakuza: Kenzan!, the…
Many Japanese photo trends have been cool. Really cool! They've gone viral and spread beyond the country's borders…
Youngins aren't the only ones at risk partaking in social media platforms—just look at some of the controversies…
It's got it where it counts.
You know hover hands? Those awkward photo moments that are called "instant virgin detectors." South Korea has them,…
For the last 11 years, the yearly China Digital Entertainment Expo has been "entertaining" China and the world's…
I love that door-kicking moment. In a military first-person shooter, it's the moment when you rush into the room and…
In Japan, Microsoft just can't catch a break with its game consoles, can it? The original Xbox was a failure in…
A few years ago, there was a story about male brassieres being popular in Japan. You know, male bras for man boobs.…