Earlier this week, Chasm, the years-in-development action-adventure platformer inspired by games like Super Castlevan…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Monsters: Survival
You must survive among different dinosaurs and mutated mutant animals. Explore food, build shelter. Find yourself an animal to tame and go hunting. Be careful not to hunt!
Earlier this week, Chasm, the years-in-development action-adventure platformer inspired by games like Super Castlevan…
Horror movies and video games have been my passions since I was a wee bonnie lass, but I didn’t know they could…
Just because you don’t have access to the fanciest gear around doesn’t mean you have to play subpar games. Even if…
Metal Gear Survive tosses players into a giant wasteland full of zombies and dangerous animals, where they have to…
Subnautica is an evocative, occasionally terrifying underwater survival game that thrives on mystery. While it’s…
Dead Space brims with apprehension and panic—its tight spaceship corridors provide little place to run as monsters…
A few hours into Titanfall 2’s unexpectedly fantastic single-player campaign, there’s a mission where everything…
Darling In The Franxx, one of the breakout animes of this season, makes the sex lives of teenagers a life or death…
Most of your time in Subnautica is spent deciding whether to listen to your curiosity or your terror. It’s a tough…