OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsFinal Fantasy VII’s Most Iconic Flashback Is Better Than EverWith Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Square Enix takes a more-is-more approach to an iconic storyByJen GlennonPublishedOctober 17, 2023
AnimeAnimeKaiju No. 8 Anime Comes To Crunchyroll Spring 2024Production I.G will adapt the anime series alongside Studio Khara of Shin Godzilla and Neon Genesis Evangelion fameByIsaiah ColbertPublishedOctober 13, 2023
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AnimeAnimeDragon Ball Daima Is The Newest DBZ Series And Toriyama Is BackGoku, Vegeta, and Bulma sport chibi looks in the new DBZ animeByIsaiah ColbertPublishedOctober 12, 2023
Game TipsGame TipsAll The Best Game Deals From Amazon’s October Prime DayLooking to grab some new games? Here’s the best of what Amazon has on sale during October’s Prime Big Deal DaysByClaire JacksonPublishedOctober 10, 2023
CulturePokemonCulturePokemonThe 10 Most Anticipated Pokémon TCG Cards From Paradox RiftFollowing on from Pokémon 151, November's set features some of the most incredible art we've ever seenByJohn WalkerPublishedOctober 9, 2023
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OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryHayao Miyazaki Trashing AI 'Art' In 2016 Feels Really Prophetic NowThe 2016 meme in which the famed animator calls AI ‘an insult to life itself’ is, sadly, perpetually relevantByIsaiah ColbertPublishedOctober 2, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsThe First Pokémon X Hatsune Miku Song Is IntenseThe ‘Project Voltage’ collab imagines the famous Vocaloid as different pocket monster trainer typesByAshley BardhanPublishedSeptember 29, 2023