Earlier this month, Kotaku asked the folks at Game Freak which starter Pokémon they prefer in Sun and Moon.…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Monster Among Us
Earlier this month, Kotaku asked the folks at Game Freak which starter Pokémon they prefer in Sun and Moon.…
HBO’s new series Westworld has probably got a lot of people reconsidering their most recent Grand Theft Auto V…
Today, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt gets a Game of the Year edition. It comes with all the updates, patches, DLC and…
Pokémon Go is supposed to have the original cast of the first Pokémon games: this means, at minimum, a roster of 151…
Breeding Season, a sex game that billed itself as “Harvest Moon meets Hentai,” was one of the biggest projects…
One thing that fascinates us about zombies is the absence of humanity—from both the dead and the living. This begets…
12 years ago, Max Landis wasn’t a Hollywood screenwriter yet. He was just another guy writing fan-fiction about…
What if you were the strongest superhero in the world? One-Punch Man comically shows just how boring such a life…
Only a few days have passed since Season 5 started (as part of patch 2.4) in Diablo III’s PC version, and some…
If you check Steam, you’ll notice that the big Steam winter sale kicked off today. It’s got a couple good deals, a…