My mom loves mystery stories, but I’ve never really seen the appeal. While we both love reading, she likes to puzzle…
My mom loves mystery stories, but I’ve never really seen the appeal. While we both love reading, she likes to puzzle…
I have a lot of trouble saying the word “goodbye.” Even when I know I’m probably never gonna see somebody again, I…
As if the world was not bleak enough already, thieves stole a Playstation 4 from a children’s cancer ward in New…
There’s a lot of reasons to love the Nintendo 3DS, but StreetPass will always hold a special place in my heart. This…
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the world of video games will surprise you in the best possible way. This…
Super Mario Run, Nintendo’s first mobile game, follows the standard Mario formula: Princess Peach gets kidnapped…
On Christmas evening, after the rest of our extended family had fled to their respective homes, I hooked up my…
The people who fell for Final Fantasy in its glory years when it was huge on the NES, Super NES and then the…
Two of us saw Ubisoft’s attempt at transmedia franchising, and we did not care for it. Not one bit.