Hello all you deathwatch love nodules, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, a dating advice column to surpass Metal Gear.
Hello all you deathwatch love nodules, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, a dating advice column to surpass Metal Gear.
Spider-Man for the PlayStation 4 is a game worth playing, even for someone only vaguely familiar with the popular…
Dragon Quest XI is the best game in the 32-year-old series.
I don’t think I ever played New Super Mario Bros. Wii U past the second boss, didn’t play past the tutorial in Rainbo…
Sprawling role playing games often come with an abundance of proper nouns and a medieval flavor to their setting.…
The first time I ever played a WarioWare game, I was drunk.
My young niece is visiting this weekend, and I’m really excited to introduce her to a ton of cool games she can then…
Zombies have been integral to horror games for decades now. Whether we’re doing a solo crawls through a haunted…
Being at the Game Devs of Color Expo feels different than being at other gaming conventions. It’s looser, less…
As someone who is both a journalist and gamer, I enjoy tossing myself into the hell pits of online shit cans and…