While Chinese Internet cafes are supposedly on the decline, but with a 126 million active players at net cafes…
MOBA Legends is a mobile MOBA with RTS gameplay.
While Chinese Internet cafes are supposedly on the decline, but with a 126 million active players at net cafes…
Modding League of Legends characters back into WarCraft III? Cokemonkey proves that even after more than 10 years, t…
China's online game market is breaking sales records year-on-year in the world's most populous nation. In 2013, this…
Following the way Riot Games spotlights their League of Legends champions, YouTuber Crazy Boris made a similar…
The people who run Trendy Entertainment want you to know that things are better. Or maybe they want you to think…
Sad news for StarCraft fans, but great news for League of Legends fans. Lee "MarineKing" Jung Hoon, one of the most…
Jinx, the next addition to the League of Legends roster, looks more like some villain from the DC Universe than one…
What works just fine in DoTA might be problematic in League of Legends, at least according to PlayerPOV's parody…
YouTuber Elspeth clearly had a lot of fun mimicking the voices of all 115 League of Legends champions—especially…
Can you name all the League of Legends champions above? Turned into 8-bit characters by digital artist Reversesquats, this roster-demake rather resembles Mega Man or Final Fantasy characters from the NES-era than a current-day MOBA. Read more