After suffering a pretty shady delay, Comcept claims Mighty No. 9 will ship on February 9 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. The 3Ds and Vita versions are coming “at a later date.” We’ll see! Start placing your bets. Read more
MIGHTY! is a fast-paced top-down roguelike set inside cramped dungeon walls which forces constant resource management and stat min/maxing skills to get as far as you possibly can in an endless creep of levels.
After suffering a pretty shady delay, Comcept claims Mighty No. 9 will ship on February 9 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. The 3Ds and Vita versions are coming “at a later date.” We’ll see! Start placing your bets. Read more
Fresh off Heroes of the Storm’s Americas Championship games that went down this past weekend, Blizzard teased out…
The Maroon Witch. Thor with an ‘N’ at the end. Miss Marvelous. Rabid Raccoon and...Grout. I don’t know whether to…
You’ve found the Triforce and rescued the princess before, but you’d never done it looking this good.
With various mature-themed series and the growing number of over-their-heads kids shows, it has never been a better…
Man, seeing Daniel Radcliffe with a beard sure is strange.
Usually, superhero cosplay goes in one direction: from the pages of a comic book out into the real world. But a…
After last month’s disastrous game and successful anime Kickstarter campaigns, the people behind Red Ash are asking…
Destiny players, rejoice: If you still don’t have a mighty Gjallarhorn, you can go buy one right now.
Having reached the halfway point of the Summer anime season, most series currently airing have settled into their…