Dan Houser, the 39-year-old chief writer of Rockstar Games and a co-founder of the studio that's delivered the Grand…
Grand Theft Auto has always been a singularly musical series. From classic rock blaring over a helicopter sunset to…
The litter was calling me, like granulated pieces of my broken past.
What are we calling it, is it Hurricane Sandy still? Technically that wasn't a hurricane when it started smashing…
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night, nor a prolonged datacenter outage, stays the couriers of Dealzon…
Editor's note: A couple of weeks ago, we published a story about people who pirate Halo 4. The game has not been…
Games take us to all manner of fantastical, unlikely places. But as good as video games have gotten at accurately…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
All video games have a history... a history of rumors and official statements, of leaks, of screenshots, of trailers…
Pro tip for anyone wanting to write a video game: "If it's longer than a tweet, a character should probably not be…