Master of Words is an amazing word-construction game. Have fun and train your brain - at the same time! Thousands of people from around the world play on the same board. By the end of every match, you can see the worldwide rankings and the progression of your skills.
When I think about the animated Adult Swim show Aqua Teen Hunger Force many things come to my mind. The weird…
Early in Kingdom Hearts III, series primary protagonist Sora returns to his spaceship with his Duck Dad Donald and…
New Super Mario Bros. U is the second-best 2D Mario game. New Super Luigi U is an incredible showcase of inventive…
Every time Nintendo posts a YouTube video about its NES games for Switch Online, it gets more thumbs down than…
Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link and Blaster Master are headed to Nintendo Switch Online on January 16. In the immortal words of the teacher from Willy Wonka: “Just two?” Oh well, at least they’re good ones. Looking forward to “special save data” for Zelda II that’ll make it less annoying. Yeah, I said it. Fight me.
If failure is the quintessence of humility, then as I sat slumped over a fold-out chair in a bar beside a CRT…
The Soulcalibur franchise needed either a hard reboot or an adrenaline shot, and Soulcalibur VI is both. The latest…
Analogue, the Seattle-based retro console maker, has announced its latest project: the Mega Sg. Using a…