Last week, Marvel kicked off an all-new Doctor Strange series with a more grounded, approachable take on the most…
Squirrel Girl started as a joke, a character so implausibly silly that you had to laugh at her even in her…
The second most-surprising thing about Marvel Comics’ big 2015 crossover comic book event is that it’s very good.…
There’s never been a better time to play games on PC. Not only does the PC get the lion’s share of the best new…
I’ve always had a hard time with Cyborg. I wanted to like DC Comics’ bionic superhero but something’s always held me…
In a way, nothing matters in the comics Marvel is publishing right now. The future of the company’s superhero…
The first trailer for LEGO Marvel’s Avengers sticks to the scripts. Coming this winter (no longer fall) to everywhere LEGO video games go, LEGO Marvel’s Avengers injects the plots of the first two films with a heaping helping of brick-based silliness. Can it possibly top the amazingly expansive LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Tony Stark’s Iron Man is easily one the most popular character in the Marvel movie-verse. Once the Secret Wars smoke…
You know the drill: Worlds will live! Worlds will die! Lots of spin-offs! Marvel and DC Comics are pretty much doing…
Months ago, Marvel Comics passed the mantles of some of their most popular heroes to newcomers. Sam Wilson, a.k.a.…