Fall 2007 was a big year for filmmaker Roger Avary. He was just coming off co-writing Beowulf with Neil Gaiman.…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Maria Way
Do you crave the limelight? Now with this new clicker simulator game you get a chance to become popular. Maria Way, one of the most hyped vloggers, will take you through the whole process – from picking a topic for your video to growing your subscribers’ community!
Fall 2007 was a big year for filmmaker Roger Avary. He was just coming off co-writing Beowulf with Neil Gaiman.…
Computer science needs more women, and video game development could be the key to making that dream come true. A…
Somewhere out there is a guy who's spent big money on football cards. He can look at them, but can't touch them. He…
Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night takes the classic Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and transforms it into…
Rock Band 3 will, as expected, let you do something you've never been able to do in a Rock Band (or Guitar Hero)…
Bloop and beep in the holidays with 8 Bit Weapon & ComputeHer's It's a Chiptune Holiday, an album filled with…
Ubisoft's juggernaut franchise Assassin's Creed vaults onto the PSP with Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines. But should…
If pre-ordering Assassin's Creed II from Gamestop is not an option, there will be other ways to get all of the…
Ubisoft's slow roll out of Assassin's Creed II information continued at Gamescom, with the game's creative director…
Director's Cuts: Fans love them, studios profit from them, so why don't we see more of them in gaming? That's what…