Mobile port of Madden NFL 12.
Remarkably, Madden NFL 12 will depict players suffering concussions, according to the president of the NFL Players'…
Metacritic, whose 90s, 80s, 70s and dreaded 60s are points of pride and shame for the video game industry, will now…
We've played 14 of the sixteen available in stores this weekend when the 3DS comes out in North America. Four of…
The day before the Super Bowl, I handicapped the field of potential Madden NFL 12 cover stars, coming up with seven…
Much has been written about Michael Vick's dog fighting ring. About the 70 dogs seized, the cruelty they were…
Free | I spent the past week going through all of the free things sent Kotaku by game companies. This is about half…
Here is the 32-player field of candidates for the cover of Madden NFL 12. Well, 31 players and "The 12th Man," a…
SNAPSHOT | OSAKA, JAPAN: Paper Pocket Monsters, created at a children's hospital in North Osaka. (Photo by Brian…
EA Sports will put the cover of Madden NFL 12 up to a vote of fans for a second year, this time staging a 32-player,…
With the NFL and NFL Players Association trading punches over who should and shouldn't attend the league's draft in…