The cover of Madden NFL is the modern Wheaties box. Every sport has its video game and a cover athlete, but only…
Long before EA's reign on the football circuit, CBS was working on a multiplatform title with John Madden.
The cover of Madden NFL is the modern Wheaties box. Every sport has its video game and a cover athlete, but only…
Madden NFL 11 called Sunday's big game for the Steelers. There's still a robust roster-editing culture for the…
With a work stoppage in the National Football League increasingly likely, Electronic Arts has said that Madden NFL…
Most Nintendo 3DS games will cost $40, though two are listed at $50 in a list GameStop is giving to customers who…
It is impossible to fairly judge the Nintendo 3DS, the next hot thing from the people who brought us the Wii, until…
The 3DS is coming in March, and while the picture is far from complete, we've compiled what we know about…
By this summer, three months after the Nintendo 3DS hits the U.S., there will be more than 30 games to play on the…
As happens every year around this time, Electronic Arts is ending online service for many old games, the majority of…
Every year in sports has its winners and losers, but in sports video games, the results aren't about pennants and…
The folks at Madden NFL 11 put out a list of all plays run by all of its zillion-plus users so far, sorted by…