Anime is by far the most popular piece of Japanese popular culture to leave Japan and spread to other parts of the…
Anime is by far the most popular piece of Japanese popular culture to leave Japan and spread to other parts of the…
The Mashie. The Brassie. The Cleek. Why, oh why, did golf abandon these delightful club names for bland old 5 iron,…
Poor Luigi, always in Mario's shadow. Even when Luigi set off on his own ghost-wrangling adventure in Luigi's…
Today, we're always being told that videogames are social. It's only recently that I've been able to take enough of…
The oldest memory I have is of catching a baseball. Coming from a sports fan, this may sound like treacly,…
Welcome to The Best of Kotaku, where Tina usually rounds up our best reporting, funniest stories, and otherwise…
Any discussion of the games I've played over the past week is not complete without a reference to the humongous worm…
Two decades ago, Sony and Nintendo were prepared to partner on a CD-ROM drive for the SNES. Things went sour. The…
It's like a dog whistle. It's emblazoned on my brain. You all know what I'm talking about. Unless you're way too…
Dutch painters in the early 1800s sure knew how to combine lines and colors. They called the movement "De Stijl",…