The BestsThe BestsThe Best Video Games Of 2021 So FarDespite the [waves hands], 2021 has produced killer games like Hitman 3 and Death's DoorByKotaku StaffPublishedDecember 15, 2021
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryMajora’s Mask Is A Masterpiece Of Existential HorrorNintendo explored some uncharacteristically dark territory in this eerie N64 sequel to Ocarina of TimeByLevi WinslowPublishedOctober 29, 2021
Kotaku EastJapanKotaku EastJapanHow Halloween Became a Thing in JapanJapan wasn't always into Halloween, but now, is it everByBrian AshcraftPublishedOctober 28, 2021
Kotaku EastJapanKotaku EastJapanThe Japanese Slang Everyone Is Talking About Is "Oya-Gacha"The term is based on capsule toy machines and gacha gamesByBrian AshcraftPublishedSeptember 23, 2021
CultureFeatureCultureFeaturePorno Hustlers Of The Atari AgeThe newly unearthed history behind one of the most offensive video games ever madeByKate WillaertPublishedSeptember 6, 2021
ReviewsToysReviewsToysFour Inches Is A Great Size For A Batman FigureA 12-inch Batman is great for kids or serious collectors, depending on the toy line. Six inches is a good size if…ByMike FaheyPublishedMay 24, 2021
ReviewsToysReviewsToysFortnite Toys Make Me Wish I Knew More About FortniteDuring this past Friday’s Pulse Fan Fest Event, Hasbro announced a bunch of cool-looking figures being added to its F…ByMike FaheyPublishedApril 12, 2021
CultureSplitscreenCultureSplitscreenAtari's Bad E.T. Game Wasn't Responsible For The 1983 Video Game Crash, Capitalism WasHistory is the study of literally everything that has ever happened, and by that measure, it is objectively the most…ByNathan GraysonPublishedJanuary 29, 2021
CultureTotal RecallCultureTotal RecallLost Video Takes Us Inside Nintendo In 1990, Shows NES Consoles Being MadeThis 20-minute collection of B-roll footage, shot as part of a news report and only uploaded to YouTube this week,…ByLuke PlunkettPublishedJanuary 20, 2021
CultureCultureRare Gokus Possibly Lost At Sea After Major Shipping AccidentGoku collectors are left wondering what fate awaits their beautiful sons after a bad storm caused the massive One…ByEthan GachPublishedDecember 22, 2020