On November 3, 2017, Call of Duty: WWII arrived to return the franchise back to its roots. It got off to one hell of…
On November 3, 2017, Call of Duty: WWII arrived to return the franchise back to its roots. It got off to one hell of…
I got the new Metroid on Tuesday but waited two days to start it. I’d waited a long time for this, and I wanted the…
Hello all you frightening skin machines, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only advice column with a complete…
The data mining of Pokémon Sun and Moon continues, this time bringing us a new look at the in-game descriptions for…
My lengthy first tour of No Man’s Sky was a disappointment. I spent 30 hours skating across the surface of an…
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, Steam reviews exert powerful sway over people’s purchasing decisions. For a while, though,…
So much of Dark Souls is a lonely experience. There are fleeting glimpses of others in the same struggle, but you’re…
Angela Burnes left Baltimore in 1972 looking for freedom. Things would be different in Latin America, she thought.…
After dozens of hours of closing rifts, destroying red lyrium veins, and maybe even defeating some dragons, you…