Sword Art Online is an anime with a great first half plagued by a mediocre second half. Luckily, Sword Art Online…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Legendary Sword
This is the first person medieval RPG game, where you can experience the open world. Become a farmer, breed livestock, go out hunting in the sun, sneak into the castle at night as a thief, or bring your best weapons and armor to resist the invasion of the enemy. Finally, take the booty home.
Sword Art Online is an anime with a great first half plagued by a mediocre second half. Luckily, Sword Art Online…
Among the new pieces of gear in Destiny's The Dark Below expansion, one stands out: a gun called "Husk of the Pit."…
Mario Kart 8 got a big new update yesterday, complete with its first batch of DLC goodies. Players and fans have…
Yesterday, I finished Dragon Age: Inquisition. By "finished," I mean that I played the final story mission and…
The Sword In The Stone, 87 bazillion gun moon explosion edition.
Sometimes when I'm playing a Crucible PvP match in Destiny, and the scores for the Alpha and Bravo teams are…
I’m standing in front of a cave, my assault rifle drawn. I’m shooting at a steady stream of identical aliens. I do…
Starting September 7th and running through the 13th you'll be able to pick up an Xbox One with a free game of your…
Hey kids, want the same exact toys in black and gold? The Toys'R'Us legendary Skylanders line continues with next…
Thanks to a tradition that goes back as far as Street Fighter II, fighting game stories are usually presented as…