The Tokyo-based Japan Studio, responsible for PlayStation 2 classics such as Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and the Ape…
The fourth game in the RTS series based on the novel series sees players try to survive World War III.
The Tokyo-based Japan Studio, responsible for PlayStation 2 classics such as Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and the Ape…
The real joy of playing a game on PC is that, thanks to mods, your entire experience can be improved by the work of…
Sam Fisher is on the phone with his daughter. He's talking about his feelings. He's telling her he worries about…
Here's something new for you. A Q&A from Kotaku with a top gaming person—short enough that you can read the whole…
Zack Snyder. Guillermo Del Toro. Gore Verbinski. Michael Bay. Peter Jackson. These are just some of the top…
I always found Metal Gear Solid 4 to be not a brilliant game, but a fascinating one. A mad ideologue glutted with…
When professional reviewers prepare to review books, movies, or video games, there's a basic understanding that the…
The first thing that ever puzzled me about the man I used to know as SuperDaE was that he didn't sound Australian.
There are games that I like. And then there are games that I like that I become obsessed with. Fire Emblem: Awakening…
Early last year, seventy French university students sat down in a room. A group of scientists told the students they…