Destiny’s story has been a punchline since the game came out. Story? What story? Destiny has a story? Good joke! And…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Leading the Dead
A lot of zombies are inducted in Leading the Dead. You can try thrilling experience never before. Revenge the stupid people by destroying the barricade that is the only weak point in the wall.
Destiny’s story has been a punchline since the game came out. Story? What story? Destiny has a story? Good joke! And…
Sometimes I think a golden age of DLC was kicked off by The Ballad of Gay Tony for Grand Theft Auto IV. Minerva’s Den…
Fallout 3 doesn’t follow the same basic formula for open-world sandbox games that has produced some truly great…
Limbo isn’t a straightforward adventure. It’s confusing. But it’s a good kind of confusing that inspires people to…
Ashly & Anthony Burch (you know, from HAWP and Borderlands) have just written a book. It’s all about Metal Gear Solid…
Narrow wins, level-one teams, besting cheaters, Shiny Pokémon captures...Kotaku readers shared some of their most…
Let’s gather and talk about the newest Batman game. All of it. In the most spoiler-riffic fashion.
Oh, you thought the story of one of 2013’s best anime was over? Boy, were you wrong.
Contrary to popular rumor, Sony’s 2014 E3 press conference is not still going on. It has ended, but boy was it epic.…
DC’s current big crossover ends today, and we’re finally getting a sense of the effects that Convergence will have…