Each year, Bandai-Namco holds a giant Tales-centric event in Yokohama. This year's, Tales of Festival 2013, had…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Last Lesson
It's your first night as the caretaker of a scary quest. The last visitors have gone home. You need to turn off the lights, check the equipment and not die of horror, because someone or something suddenly starts a nightmarish game. With you in the lead.
Each year, Bandai-Namco holds a giant Tales-centric event in Yokohama. This year's, Tales of Festival 2013, had…
The decision comes from a desire to avoid past mistakes, game director Bruce Straley told Digital Spy.
Yesterday, when we all met Call of Duty Dog for the first time, the first thing I said was, "Aww, a dog!" The second…
Eight years. Eight long years. When Grant Davies and Nick Kovac started Endgame Studios in 2003 they couldn’t have…
Super Mario World, which is a game about a plumber riding a dinosaur, is filled with rules that make absolutely no…
Last week, we asked readers to submit their stories of gaming while unemployed or underemployed. We received over…
Forget the controversial ending, the boring mining mini-games or the lack of playable Hanar. If there's one element…
As I was packing up for some time off about 10 days ago, someone sent an email to me and others who had review…
The Mashie. The Brassie. The Cleek. Why, oh why, did golf abandon these delightful club names for bland old 5 iron,…
The paranormal puzzle-fest Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon came out yesterday for the 3DS. Patricia gave the game a good…