Welcome to a month of declines. Every month we at Kotaku show which Wii games have racked up the most playing time,…
a good haul this year
Welcome to a month of declines. Every month we at Kotaku show which Wii games have racked up the most playing time,…
Infinity Ward's highly anticipated, early contender for game of the year, is the 700-pound Samsonite gorilla sitting…
Lots to discuss about these stats this month, as Call of Duty rises to fourth and Guitar Hero III begins to dip.…
Creating a follow-up to what many consider the best game of 2007 is no easy feat. Neither is getting a sneak peek at…
Don't blame PlatinumGames too much for the potential failings of the PlayStation 3 version of Bayonetta. According…
We've played one-third of one-third of StarCraft II's single-player campaign recently. Blizzard gave us a full day…
Official support for community created campaigns has just been added to Left 4 Dead, thanks to the most recent…
Fathers are easy to find in video games. When they're not antagonizing their offspring or killed off in the first…
Former employees of the recently shuttered Factor 5 studio in California are taking the company to court, claiming…
In one week, E3 will reveal just about every major game you will be able to play in the next year. For shooter fans,…