Spring means we get rain, flowers, warmer weather and, more importantly, a new anime season. But with 60 new anime…
Taking place in the year 2012 of an alternate galaxy, Last Duel involves the struggle between two planets Mu and Bacula. On planet Bacula, a strong warrior tribe known as the Galden rose to immense military power and literally conquered all of the societies on the planet. Unsatisfied with conquering just one planet, the Galden decided to conquer a neighboring terrestrial planet, Mu. Using advanced bioships, star fighters and motor vehicles, the Galden invaded Mu, destroying many of its cities and taking the planet's ruler Queen Sheeta hostage. The remaining royal guards of Mu are deployed in space fighters that can transform into cars to rescue the queen and crush the Galden forces.
Spring means we get rain, flowers, warmer weather and, more importantly, a new anime season. But with 60 new anime…
The internet is abuzz with Titanfall today as the embargo lifts on preview events, flooding the infoverse with fresh…
Peggle is a puzzle game that involves clearing colored pegs from a board by shooting balls from the top of the…
Call of Duty: Ghosts releases tomorrow (can't believe it), which means today is your last chance to pre-order and…
Dunwall is a hard city full of hard people—a plague-rotted concrete prison inhabited by exhausted souls who…
Ever heard of "Outside," a free-to-play MMORPG developed by Deity Games? No? Huh, that's weird. It's the most…
I love a game with a cool, interesting main character. But you know what I think I might love even more? A game with …
Back in 2009 at the Tokyo Game show, Keiji Inafune, creator of Mega Man, Onimusha, and Dead Rising said the…
In the time between Microsoft’s reveal of their next-generation Xbox One console and today’s E3 press conference,…
Have you ever wanted to make Rydia beat herself up? No? Well you might enjoy this anyway.