After winning many awards his 2013 indie masterpiece Papers, Please, Lucas Pope takes old school to the next level…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Laser Space
We like to spark new ways of thinking. To do so, we create experiences that surprise and challenge you. Laser Space is a new, elegant puzzle game. You will run through laser-filled rooms, but take your time! You have to think about each step carefully to avoid getting hit.
After winning many awards his 2013 indie masterpiece Papers, Please, Lucas Pope takes old school to the next level…
Lucas Pope, designer of the award-winning Paper, Please, announced his new game. It's a 3D 1st person mystery…
Playstation 3 owners can grab the digital version of the game that started the Souls series, and my favorite of the…
You probably didn't have to watch the recent Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare reveal to know whether you'd be picking…
We've had many a request for a discount on Battlefield 4 Premium, so here ya go, $25. [GamersGate]
The Wolf Among Us Episode 3 is fresh out of the gate, and you can pick up the whole series for just $15 today. [Amazo…
If you've ever just looked up at the sky while playing a Borderlands game you might've noticed the big H-shaped,…
Ask yourself: "Would I be a good starship captain?" It's time to find out.
As I strapped on an Oculus Rift and the looming enormity of EVE Valkyrie's space engulfed me, I realized something…
If you've been keeping tabs on Galak-Z, then you know that the upcoming space combat game drinks deeply from the…