Preorder The Master Chief Collection from Dell to get a $25 Dell gift card. That's not as universally useful as…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from King of Throwing
Author’s suggestion: Use a notepad to record the angles of your throws. Players can aim and throw by clicking the left mouse button, and control the character’s left and right movement by pressing A and D. Control the angle of your throw, you don't want to make a mistake
Preorder The Master Chief Collection from Dell to get a $25 Dell gift card. That's not as universally useful as…
Kefin and Adam from the Attitude Era Podcast are cautiously excited for the upcoming release of WWE 2K15. In the run…
When people think Smash Bros., they think multiplayer—people huddled around a TV, furiously pressing Gamecube…
Still need a Playstation 4? Grab one today with inFamous: Second Son and 3 months of Playstation plus thrown in for…
Redditor francisflute drafted a 1,400-word epic imagining the final book the the A Song of Ice and Fire series if…
There's a bunch of stuff coming out tomorrow, and we've got deals on pretty much all of it.
Dark outfits. Throwing stars. Burgers? When you think of ninja, you probably think of their lore. You don't think of…
Anyone who has played a First-Person Shooter online has encountered one of "those" players; the prepubescent brat…
Retail is a tough racket. It's no easy gig. Sometimes, it's boring. Sometimes, it exhausting. And sometimes, it's…