The Simpsons, Transformers, and more aren’t backwards compatible or available on PC
Just Tactics is a downloadable strategy game.
The Simpsons, Transformers, and more aren’t backwards compatible or available on PC
Prepare your future backlog with an incredible array of upcoming games
July is packed with RPGs, retro-themed indie titles, real time strategy, and much more
The mashup of Overwatch and Destiny sounds like it has potential
We got a masterful reveal, a hot baddie, and one of the best lightsaber battles ever
After a decade of waiting, we’re finally going back to Thedas, and the fandom is awake again
Our brains are hyped goop after playing 36 of the biggest, coolest, and weirdest games coming out in 2024 and beyond
Beware the critical hits in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance’s first major optional boss battle
The festival goes until June 17, so you still have time to try them all
They're complex, flawed group of individuals who have shifted and changed throughout Star Wars’ history