Being at the Game Devs of Color Expo feels different than being at other gaming conventions. It’s looser, less…
Help Jack to fly over the Nimrod Circus and fight the creepy and ugly Fecula witch!
Being at the Game Devs of Color Expo feels different than being at other gaming conventions. It’s looser, less…
Tonight at Sony’s PlayStation E3 press conference, they showed off a handful of games including The Last of Us Part…
With the recent release of “Pieces of Hate,” the long-running MMO Runescape finishes up a quest line that’s lasted…
A few hours into Titanfall 2’s unexpectedly fantastic single-player campaign, there’s a mission where everything…
There are some cultures that believe taking a photograph captures a part of your soul. Your job in Fatal Frame II:…
I’ve played approximately two billion video games this year. Narrowing that list down to 10 was a painful and bloody…
Gamers often talk about the convergence of film and games. But in Life Is Strange, some of my favorite moments are…
The overlap of horror movie lovers and video game lovers is undoubtedly substantial, so it’s no surprise that…
When I was about ten years old, my brother Mike introduced me to my favorite game, a JRPG for the PS2 called Radiata…
The image above is that of a woman trapped at the moment before her violent death, endlessly repeating the…