You talk about love at first sight. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City had me at its opening credit screens: the LOAD…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from I Love My Brother
That is what happens from time to time: people fall in love with another people. That is what happened to Beth... And now she dreams. She desires. She plans.
You talk about love at first sight. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City had me at its opening credit screens: the LOAD…
Commenter Normalaatsra has never told his parents or brother his darkest secret: he loves Tekken. For many people…
In today's completely insane edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter MSumm rages over the difficulty of The Legend…
And so with one last musical interlude, Shinichirō Watanabe’s marvelous anime Kids on the Slope concluded its…
In today's Speak Up, Albino RyNo has an idea for Sony's next business move.
Set adrift like a modern day Swiss Family Robinson, Jason and Nicole Stark left the Australian games industry on a…
Games are talky sons-of-bitches these days, and the more lines of spoken dialog we get the more chance we'll have an…
I was a band kid in high school. (This is probably not a surprise to readers of Kotaku Melodic.) I tried on a lot of…
I can summarize my experience designing user interfaces like this: if you were to place a refrigerator and a toilet…
I'll confess: I really wanted to start this review with a choice quote from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and…