Alan Wake promises to deliver a new style of storytelling to the Xbox 360: A "psychological thriller", "riveting…
Alan Wake promises to deliver a new style of storytelling to the Xbox 360: A "psychological thriller", "riveting…
The first two words of Alan Wake are "Stephen King." The next big Xbox 360 exclusive game is an interactive thriller…
The Year of the Wii Lightgun Shooter continues with a Resident Evil entry that is two-thirds fun retro, never scary…
This coming week is the first classically huge week of the Fall to Holiday sales cycles. Scribblenauts, Marvel…
It only took one and a half chapters of Resident Evil 5 to convince me that everything I thought about the game,…
Perhaps rethinking their no new games for this holiday season policy, Nintendo just shot out a press release…
To: Ash From: Crecente Re: Don't Go Outside Much Really (FYI, Holiday Decorations Are Up) Yeah, I noticed that…
Click to view Almost lost in the middle of Nintendo's sizable press release about their Holiday 2008 was this gem of…
The Leipzig Games Convention, the consumer showing of Europe's finest forthcoming video games (read: whatever…
Leipzig lizards, Daddy Warbucks! A 9/11 skin on Space Invaders got MSM attention for Games Convention '08 alright,…