In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
I’m no nostalgist when it comes to gaming. I believe that what we’re playing now, and what we will be tomorrow,…
Today on Amazon, add ten Marvel Blu-rays to your collection for just $65. This set has been selling for $180 until…
Used to be movies and TV shows adapted from Marvel Comics' superhero universe were almost guaranteed to be terrible.…
What was happening in the world of video game news this week one year ago? Well, Nintendo's Wii U was off to a…
A city full of closed doors and dead ends, boxed in and lined with nothing but rough edges: That's Thief.
Of course your cat just lays about the house sleeping, eating and pooping all day — it doesn't have proper…
Here's what I like to imagine. Game Freak shipped Black and White 2, and production then started for a new Pokemon ga…
Kojima Productions held an open house of its new, Los Angeles-based studio yesterday evening, and kicked things off…