A top-down racing game with shooting mechanics, similar to Spy Hunter.
PlayStation Classic is a faithful reproduction of the experience of playing original PlayStation games in the…
I have played 40 hours of Forza Horizon 4. I love it. I made a 22-minute video about how much I love it.
Within the last month, some amazing racing games have released. It’s been something of a micro-renaissance. These…
It’s very hot right now, so I guess it’s time for a hot week of games.
Mario may be known for his background as a plumber, or his recent adventure as a body-snatching fashionista, but…
A piping hot new E3 rumor suggests that Retro Studios, the Nintendo-owned developer behind the Metroid Prime…
Asura’s Wrath is cathartic. One moment, you feel like the most powerful being in the universe. The next, smaller…
A line of sleek sports cars pulls into a small parking lot outside of a Los Santos Customs garage. The drivers get…
This morning, Nintendo dropped a 15 minute “Nintendo Direct Mini” out of nowhere, detailing some new games, ports,…