Heroes of the Storm is a great-looking game compared to the other big MOBAs out there today. Despite that,…
When all the weapons are gone, wouldn't the world be peaceful again?
Heroes of the Storm is a great-looking game compared to the other big MOBAs out there today. Despite that,…
League of Legends has so many different "champion" characters in its line-up at this point (more than 120) that some…
For the first time in many years, Blizzard announced a new franchise today: meet Overwatch, a team-based multiplayer…
Hello, my darlings! It is me, tim rogers, founder and director of Action Button Entertainment, currently directing…
On this, the eve of the official launch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, let's take a look back at the original…
Meet Harkyn, a man who has just trudged across the world carrying an incredibly heavy-looking hammer, just to give…
You joined Facebook, which just proves Zuckerberg's plan is working. Whatever it is.
Does anyone represent the trials and tribulations of the modern day nerd quite as much as Dr. Horrible? He wants…
Click, kill, loot, level up. Click, kill, loot, level up. Loot, sell, re-equip. Rinse, repeat. Your weapons get more…
Allow me to apologize, on the behalf of all game developers, for the 2012 Electronic Entertainment Expo.