In the first two Golden Sun games the Heroes of Vale restored the awesome power of the Golden Sun, saving the world…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Guns Boy
"Guns Boy" is a fast-paced 2D platformer shooter with a goal to survive a battle against armed opponents.
In the first two Golden Sun games the Heroes of Vale restored the awesome power of the Golden Sun, saving the world…
As the year wraps up, so does everyone's take on what they think are the best games of 2010.
New Member Of Kong Family Will Help Donkey Kong And Struggling Wii Gamers
Comment by: NoelVeiga
Nominated by: diedan
Whether you're seriously low on ammo or just want to make someone's life completely miserable, there's nothing quite…
The start of Fallout: New Vegas is a good surprise, so stop reading if you don't want even a hint. Not that the…
On the eve of StarCraft II's release Hellmode writer Ashelia argued in rich detail why Blizzard has struggled to…
Now that Comic-Con's done, we can get back to what's important: discussing things like comic books, movies, toys,…
How did I get to E3? How did I get a VIP pass? I don't even know. The idea was that I would walk up to E3 and,…
In Ignition Entertainment's El Shaddai, you're guided by a pre-fall Lucifer who carries a cell phone with God on…