Well, if you wanna get technical, it's not really space Minecraft. It's more of a sci-fi sandbox RPG thing. But it's…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Guns Boy
"Guns Boy" is a fast-paced 2D platformer shooter with a goal to survive a battle against armed opponents.
Well, if you wanna get technical, it's not really space Minecraft. It's more of a sci-fi sandbox RPG thing. But it's…
Eight years. Eight long years of video games, from the Xbox 360's 2005 release to today, the dawn of the next…
One thought ran through my head while playing Killzone Shadow Fall: How beautiful can a cliché look?
Three men huddle around a campfire, eager to hear the story of an elite force of highly-feared soldiers. Ghosts,…
The Steam community is certainly a productive bunch. In total, the last two weeks gave us one-hundred and thirty…
A nine-year-old Orlando, Fla. boy—"so tiny ... he could barely see the judge over the podium"—was sentenced to home…
"It’s a bizarre, surreal case of a young man almost acting like a real-life action video game," said a judge in…
I’ve grown up — rather fondly, I might add — with Pokémon. Over the years the several different hundreds of pocket…
Only one game in this installment of This Week in Gaming Apps is available on Android. That's sad, and we're going…
Last week, an eight-year-old boy picked up a loaded gun and shot his grandmother in the head a few minutes after…