I spent a few minutes staring at the screen when SOMA ended. It’s messed up, and even though you can see it coming,…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Gravity Core
Gravity Core is an action based multiplayer FPS. Take the Journey through several maps with different themes, all connected by a small story.
I spent a few minutes staring at the screen when SOMA ended. It’s messed up, and even though you can see it coming,…
Rocket League is getting an awesome-looking (free!) update in November called mutators, which introduces a bunch of new game types, including low-gravity mode, bigger versions of the ball, slow-motion, and more.
On September 17, 2013, Star Citizen director Chris Roberts wrote a public letter in celebration of a milestone…
Earlier this month, Colossalcon was held in Sandusky, Ohio. And it was there that a team of five photographers, two…
Grand Theft Auto V, meet Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2, this is Grand Theft Auto V. You two should get along just fine.
Oh Grand Theft Auto V on PC, will your wonders ever cease?
It’s finally possible to embrace your inner animal and become a chimp, deer, fish, or countless other things in Grand…
Who knows when or if we’ll get Half-Life 3, Half-Life: Episode 3, or whatever Valve calls Gordon Freeman’s next…
You’re looking at Super Metroid, but you’re also look at Metroid Fusion. Slowly but surely, the two Metroid games…
It's been three weeks since I first played through the demo for Final Fantasy XV, a video game about what will…